Mr. Sunshine Solar

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Installing solar since 2008

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About Mr. Sunshine Solar

Recognized as one of the most experienced, well known & respected professionals in the solar industry.

Michael "Mr Sunshine" Janzen is the "Educator of Educators" to the solar industry. As a regularly invited guest on numerous television & radio programs, Michael strips away the "Sales Fluff" to educate consumers & his customers on the "RIGHT" ways to go solar & how not to get burned by those that are "less than ethical".

Don't get suckered by inexperienced or unethical reps & companies that DON'T, CAN'T or WON'T tell you what you really NEED to know."

Office locations


Arizona - Buckeye

20930 W Prospector Way, Buckeye AZ, 85396

Arizona - Mesa

525 W Baseline Rd. Mesa, Az, Mesa AZ, 85210

Contact Mr. Sunshine Solar

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Head Office
20930 W Prospector Way, Buckeye AZ, 85396