Glad I went solar

, PA

Reviews by Glad I went solar

2 Reviews

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Direct Energy Solar (formerly Astrum)

Sales staff is very knowledgeable and worked with us to get through the contract process somewhat painlessly. Installation had some problems, but Astrum was able to complete the ground installation with trenching by the contracted deadline. The panels have replaced around 75% of my electric bill and in general are generating more electricity than expected. The problems I am having are related to an Enphase inverter failure rate of 1 inverter going bad every 3 months (5 total since installation). Although Astrum is not responsible for the hardware failures, they are contractually responsible for warranty support. The latest inverter failure occurred almost 1 month ago and the only communication with Astrum has been initiated by me. On average (if you continue to call the support line), it takes about 4-6 weeks to get a tech onsite to perform the warranty replacement.

Also, be careful with the Enphase monitoring site. Right now, I have one panel that has not produced any electricity in almost 1 month and the public facing web site shows everything is operating normal. You have to take the extra effort to log onto the Enphase site to see a panel is not producing. I highly recommend configuring the alerts under Settings/Notification Preferences to “Immediate email for medium and greater impact events”, or the next option down in the list.

Bottom line is don’t trust the Enphase public web site to tell you something is wrong with your system and do NOT wait on Astrum to contact you about problems with your system. Aside from all of this, I probably would still recommend Astrum Solar as a good solar provider.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 02/16/2014

Changing names has not improved customer service. I am on the verge of filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I now have 3 inverters that are completely dead and 2 more that are intermittent, which will bring my total of replaced inverters to 25 in 2 years 9 months. Considering it takes Astrum/Direct Energy over 4 weeks to replace failed inverters, I have no idea what my system would produce during any given month. By the way, Astrum/Direct Energy has not sent a single outage check because they low balled my production estimate by approximately 2 mega watts per year. So don't expect any warranty checks from inverter outages. At this point, I would not recommend this installer based solely on their lack of customer support and questionable business practices associated with their warranty.
Please accept our sincerest apology for inconvenience. I’ve reached out to our Customer Relations Team and they informed me that they’ve been in contact with you about this matter. To follow-up, our team has confirmed that we will have a surveyor available tomorrow to re-survey your system and calculate a correct site quality for you. Once we have that data, we will be able to recalculate your production guarantee and request any compensation you are owed throughout the lifetime of your system.

Additionally, we should be receiving replacements for the last inverters you reported issues with by Wednesday of next week. We will try to schedule an
appointment for these replacements by the end of next week, but more likely we will complete these repairs for you during the week of August 10th.

If the survey appointment for tomorrow will be an inconvenience, please reach out to us at 410-443-5751 as soon as possible to reschedule. Otherwise, we look forward to finding some resolution to the issues you've been experiencing and I want to thank you for your continued patience while we get your system back up to 100%.

Direct Energy Solar (formerly Astrum)

Customer service is now pretty much nonexistent. I had a 52 panel system installed Sept 2012 and have already had 26 microinverters replaced and currently have 1 failed for over 2 months, with 3 more in the process of failing at half production for same time period. On average, it takes about 2-3 months for a warranty replacement. The company sales pitch will attempt to appease your concerns by giving you a lost production pay back warranty, but don't count on getting a dime out of them. Truth is they probably would honor their pay back warranty, but they don't need to since they low ball your estimated production. For example averaging the lifetime production of the few original microinverters I have left in my system and calculating what a 52 panel system should produce, their estimate is significantly low. Based on their production estimate, I could have 5 panels out for an entire year and the system would still exceed their production estimate.

Obviously I rated them as a 1 for after sales support. But I also gave them a 1 on Professionalism because of their poor communication.

If I had it to do over again, I would probably still install solar. But I would definitely not go with Direct Energy Solar (formerly Astrum Solar).

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 01/29/2016

Keep in mind that I have a ground mount system that does not require any ladders to perform warranty maintenance work. After initiating contact with Customer Service, I was given Jan 20 as the date a tech would replace the bad inverters. They were a no show because of the east coast winter storm, even though the roads were open. I never heard back from them, so I called them on 1 Feb. Direct Energy had not added me back on the schedule, so they promised someone would replace the inverters on the 3rd. Guess what? It rained, so their tech supposedly could not replace the inverters. Again, no call from Customer Service or the Techs. I called again today (5 Feb) and was informed someone will replace the inverters on the 8th. Which by the way is predicted to have light rain again. Customer Service informed me that the company policy is not to bump work day-by-day for bad weather, they keep their daily schedule and reschedule the rain outs in the future. Based on my experience, you have to call them back to get back on the schedule, because it appears they really don't care when your warranty replacements occur. I wish the manufacturer would just ship the inverters to me, so I could replace them myself.

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