Jeff W.

Odessa, FL

Reviews by Jeff W.

3 Reviews

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LG Solar

We went with the LG Panels because there have been panel companies that have gone out of business, and then your warranty is worthless. LG is a $140B company, so more than likely they will be around for the life of the panel (20-25 years) They are also more efficient than other models.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 09/14/2017


SEM Power

We interviewed a total of 5 solar companies before deciding to go with SEM Power. They didn't try and sell us a new pool pump, or hot water heater (2 of the companies we interviewed, did try that) The other reason we chose them, was the fact that we have a whole house generator, and it needed to be integrated with the solar. The company that installed the generator, also recommended SEM Power. There was no pressure from Chris Rollitt (the sales associate) who was very knowledgeable about solar, and all of their product offerings (he even drives a TESLA!) The installers did an awesome job! They installed all 80 LG Panels and the 2 inverters in only 3 days. We've had our system for 2 months now, and it's been great. We got our 1st bill from TECO, and it's been reduced by 70%! (which is exactly what SEM promised) I called them the day before hurricane Irma, about what measures we should take to protect our system, and Chris got back to me within 30 minutes! Many companies were closed, and people had been evacuated, but these guys came through again. If you want a good quality product, and people that are friendly and reliable, then this is the company you should go with.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 09/14/2017


SEM Power

We interviewed a total of 5 solar companies before deciding to go with SEM Power. They didn't try and sell us a new pool pump, or hot water heater (2 of the companies we interviewed, did try that) The other reason we chose them, was the fact that we have a whole house generator, and it needed to be integrated with the solar. The company that installed the generator, also recommended SEM Power. There was no pressure from Chris Rollitt (the sales associate) who was very knowledgeable about solar, and all of their product offerings (he even drives a TESLA!) The installers did an awesome job! They installed all 80 LG Panels and the 2 inverters in only 3 days. We've had our system for 2 months now, and it's been great. We got our 1st bill from TECO, and it's been reduced by 70%! (which is exactly what SEM promised) I called them the day before hurricane Irma, about what measures we should take to protect our system, and Chris got back to me within 30 minutes! Many companies were closed, and people had been evacuated, but these guys came through again. If you want a good quality product, and people that are friendly and reliable, then this is the company you should go with.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 09/14/2017


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