
El Dorado Hills, CA

Reviews by CaFlash

1 Review

Sierra Pacific Solar

It took a lot of research and number crunching to decide on adding solar power to our home. Our home is fairly large at over 4000 square feet and we have a pool. Our average electric bill in the summer is $200 to $300 depending on use of the AC. We typically use our whole house fan but there are some afternoons and evenings when you need to use the AC. Feeling that if we added solar, we could use regularly use the AC to cool instead of when it was absolutely necessary.
After narrowing down our list of Solar providers we got 5 estimates. All the companies we selected were top rated by Yelp and by local references. Estimates varied by power output and by products represented. I quickly dismissed any estimate that was a simple quick glance at our PG&E bill. I also dismissed an estimate that mapped out our panels with an overlay of Google maps.
Our pool solar heating was installed by Sierra Pacific by the original owner of the house. I was impressed by the quality, owner instructions, and effectiveness of the system so I added Sierra Pacific to our list of Solar installers. Our pool panels were installed on the southern exposure of our roof which gets the highest amount of sun.
Since we had the pool panels on the southern portion of our roof they took up all the good area. I wanted the most effective area so I asked all the salesman if they could move the pool panels to the west roof. Most of them said they it was not a good idea since they will leak when moved and the western roof plane was fine. When I asked Justin Gordon from Sierra Pacific he said 'yes, we can move them and they won't leak' The relocation price was very reasonable so it was quoted with the Solar panels.
Sierra Pacific provided a professional quote with everything I requested. Once we signed on with Sierra Pacific their design crew went to work. Sierra Pacific sent out their Design Engineer to measure and walk the roof. Within 2 days we received the scaled plans and load calculations. All professionally done. The only thing that I had to to was to submit the request to our HOA. Sierra Pacific submitted the plans to the county for the permit.
Once approved by the county and HOA, Sierra Pacific scheduled the install. They said it would take 4 days and it took 4 days. The crew relocated the pool solar and installed the panels. Panels were placed on the south and west roof lines. All the power lines were run internally through the attic. The main power line was run down from the roof to the garage - one line only which was brought in through the garage. The electrical conduit was run through the garage to the inverter and all sealed. The inverter was mounted on the inside of the garage on the wall with the main breaker panel. Beautiful installation, not like my next door neighbor's install (note:my neighbor had the solar company that sells inside Home Depot)
When the Sierra Pacific crew was done, the Lead Installer walked me through the inverter and disconnects. System has a wireless transmitter mounted on the inverter that communicates with our home WiFi.
Sierra Pacific took care of the permits and the PG&E application.
So, in the last month we are producing power and not from PG&E. Nice job Sierra Pacific. You guys are pros.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 10/20/2016


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