Review for Alternative Solar

Office location: 10130 San Pedro #102, San Antonio TX, 78216

Ruben Garcia Corpus Christi, TX


Same boat as everyone else. Conned into purchasing solar panels that all sounds great but in the end worked totally different than described. Especially the solar credits part and being "penalized" by the loan company. Now system is out and this company was supposed to "warranty" the system and repair it for the next 10 years. Looking to join others and see what can even be done in a class action lawsuit as who would we even go after? The company is no longer around. If Anyone can reach out to "[redacted for privacy]". Thank you and hopefully something can be done

Sales process
Price charged as quoted
On schedule
Installation quality
After sales support

System size (kW): 11.34

System price: $38,000

Year installed: 2020

Price include the Federal Tax Credit or incentives: Yes