Review for Solaire

Office location: 7174 Sterling Rock Ave, Las Vegas NV, 89178

Candace Johnson Yukon, OK


This company hired my son to do a door to door job and NEVER PAID HIM. They hire young kids and put them in areas of town that are not safe and then do not pay them. It will be a year in July. I reached out to Brook that does the hiring and she said I was rude to her “over a measly paycheck” so she will not talk to me. I tried contacting Veem who she said had his money but Veem will not release it they said it’s in his “Veem” wallet. Both companies are blaming each other but no one will help. Meanwhile my son worked and NEVER got paid. These places are a joke.

System size (kW): 1

System price: $1

Year installed: 2023

Price include the Federal Tax Credit or incentives: Yes