Review for Stellar Solar

Change in ownership penalty Poway, CA

Terrible Custormer Serivce

We recently moved into a home with solar panels installed by this company and when we called them to change ownership, they told us that we needed to shell out 300$ to have their monitoring system connect to OUR internet, which we pay for, in order for them to monitor if our solar is working correctly. They then proceeded to tell us that we were being charged because we own the solar panels and if we leased them, this charge would be voided. We are in Real Estate and have a lot of friends who intall solar and when we talked to them about this fee, they were shocked. The fee was not negotiable and we were stuck either with wither never having our solar monitored or paying 300$ for someone to come connect to our internet, which we could do ourselves since we connected our own internet with extenders. So, all in all, not a great experience unless you were the original purchasers of the solar

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