Review for Tesla


Inverters and communication

I have three inverters on my system and during the first year of install I had to have a tech come out and replace parts on each of the at least twice on each one. I had to watch the units at least once a week to make sure they were working correctly. Once the units were working correctly I never paid attention to them, I thought since they could monitor the system they would let me know if something had gone wrong with them. Just recently I noticed my electric bill sky rocketed so I checked the units, two of the three were not working. I call customer support and once I was not at work they asked me to run through a few checks which I did. Once that was completed they would send out a tech to look over the units they took another two week. The comes out to the house and says " when I am done looking over the units I will call you and let you know what I find" that never happened, So I called to find out what was going on, I had been told that a part needed to be ordered. I was not given a time frame and the tech that had come out wrote in the report he had spoken to me (which he did not). So why is it so hard to communicate a little bit of information. Now I have no clue when the system will be back up and running and my electric bill is still going up. Why do I have to pay for a system that I get no customer support for (and it is monitored, kind of) and faulty parts.