H in Altamonte Springs

Altamonte Springs, FL

Reviews by H in Altamonte Springs

2 Reviews

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Goldin Solar

Solar was always something that I had been interested in, but just was never the right time. Finally, everything came together, and I started research. After a year of research and getting quotes, GoldinSolar came across my radar. Their salesperson, Justin, came out completely prepared from the info I gave them, and put their best price on the table after the first meeting. (This was equal to or lower than what I got the others down to after MONTHS of negotiations...). After we "signed the deal", I was skeptical of how things would go after that (I'm just like that... I build data storage systems, so I'm used to dealing with highly technical projects that are extremely complex. Things just go wrong you can't plan for...). I'm happy to say that they did not disappoint me. My project manager, Solene, keep me in the loop during every step of the way. This isn't to say that there weren't any problems along the way. From my experience, there always are in anything technical. This is where you really learn how good a company is. Not from how they deal with success, but how they deal with problems. Solene was on top of it all, and guided me through how to help her in keeping the project moving forward. She was absolutely the "tip of the spear" in this project. The installation team in Orlando was just great. Cleaned up the site everyday (after all... I do live here...), and worked like crazy to get everything installed. Dalton (on-site management) keep me up-to-speed on how things were going every day. Evidently, 25kW is a pretty large system, so this was not a small feat. The panels look great, and my electrical system at the house is better than before the install. This is definitely going to add a TON of value to my house. They spec'd out the system with SolarEdge components, and I couldn't be happier. The system works exactly as I planned. As an added bonus, SolarEdge makes available their Application Programming Interface (API) allowing me to access MY DATA. What can you do with a Tabasco problem, an engineering degree, and the SolarEdge API? https://youtu.be/gnP31lY7ZI4 If you are looking at a SolarPV system, definitely give GoldinSolar a call.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 02/21/2020



These were recommended as part of the installation, and they look like they are working as promised.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 02/21/2020


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