
Spartanburg, SC

Reviews by DaveM

2 Reviews

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SunPower by South Coast Solar LLC

My SunPower experience has been delightful and enlightening. They have been totally professional and honest with me from the first meeting. Charro and Scott have been more like mentors and friends than sales folks. Their honesty and professionalism has been like a breath of fresh air in today's world of hustlers and cons. I have been interested in solar power for some time, but have been waiting for the technology to get to the point I thought it was worth the investment. Well, with my Tesla Power Wall and solar panels I can say that my wait was worth it! We live in a rural setting and power loss happens far too often. My Tesla wall and solar panels have kept us up and running without a hitch. My power bill is lower than I expected and during the summer I'm selling power back to the power company-NICE! As I said, Charro is amazing how energetic she is to find the answers to my solar power questions. She overcame every little obstacle (there weren't many) and basically handled everything. Scott is an incredible engineer, not just for the electrical panels and all that technical stuff, but how he can make everything come together flawlessly. If you are lucky enough to chat with him, he's really a bit of renaissance man. Very interesting fellow. His crew was courteous and professional. Cleaned up as they went, and are really good at what they do. I wish SunPower did more than solar panels because I'd use them for any project I had-they are just that good!

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 01/25/2020



My SunPower experience has been delightful and enlightening. They have been totally professional and honest with me from the first meeting. Charro and Scott have been more like mentors and friends than sales folks. Their honesty and professionalism has been like a breath of fresh air in today's world of hustlers and cons. I have been interested in solar power for some time, but have been waiting for the technology to get to the point I thought it was worth the investment. Well, with my Tesla Power Wall and solar panels I can say that my wait was worth it! We live in a rural setting and power loss happens far too often. My Tesla wall and solar panels have kept us up and running without a hitch. My power bill is lower than I expected and during the summer I'm selling power back to the power company-NICE! As I said, Charro is amazing how energetic she is to find the answers to my solar power questions. She overcame every little obstacle (there weren't many) and basically handled everything. Scott is an incredible engineer, not just for the electrical panels and all that technical stuff, but how he can make everything come together flawlessly. If you are lucky enough to chat with him, he's really a bit of renaissance man. Very interesting fellow. His crew was courteous and professional. Cleaned up as they went, and are really good at what they do. I wish SunPower did more than solar panels because I'd use them for any project I had-they are just that good!

Type: Other

Reviewed: 01/25/2020


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