Cam W

Irving, TX

Reviews by Cam W

2 Reviews

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Freedom Solar Power

After doing a LOT of research, I went with Freedom Solar for a few reasons. Frankly, SunPower makes the best solar panels on the market (best durability, highest base efficiency, lowest efficiency loss in heat, lowest degradation over time), and they're very picky about who does their installs - from what I've seen there are only two licensed SunPower installers in Texas, and you can't buy these panels anywhere else. On top of that, the system is built on smart microinverters, so even if a panel or two are shaded they won't bring down the energy production of the other panels. Bonus on that, because they're smart devices, I can look at my energy production vs consumption with import and export quantities too from my phone or computer. Chris Mejia came out to give me an estimate, and he was kind, courteous, and thorough. And on top of that, he didn't just help me get a loan, he worked to get me the best rate. They took care of all the permits, the installation was completed in the time frame promised, and it looks great. Every part of the system was explained to me so I knew exactly how everything worked. Opportunities for questions were given frequently, but I never had any because of how well it was all explained. Chris also walked me through a couple energy provider plans that give net metering so that I can get real monetary value out of the energy I'm producing even when I'm not using it. Fantastic work all the way around, and I highly recommend Freedom Solar.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 12/18/2019



After doing a LOT of research, I went with Freedom Solar for a few reasons. Frankly, SunPower makes the best solar panels on the market (best durability, highest base efficiency, lowest efficiency loss in heat, lowest degradation over time), and they're very picky about who does their installs - from what I've seen there are only two licensed SunPower installers in Texas, and you can't buy these panels anywhere else. On top of that, the system is built on smart microinverters, so even if a panel or two are shaded they won't bring down the energy production of the other panels. Bonus on that, because they're smart devices, I can look at my energy production vs consumption with import and export quantities too from my phone or computer. Chris Mejia came out to give me an estimate, and he was kind, courteous, and thorough. And on top of that, he didn't just help me get a loan, he worked to get me the best rate. They took care of all the permits, the installation was completed in the time frame promised, and it looks great. Every part of the system was explained to me so I knew exactly how everything worked. Opportunities for questions were given frequently, but I never had any because of how well it was all explained. Chris also walked me through a couple energy provider plans that give net metering so that I can get real monetary value out of the energy I'm producing even when I'm not using it. Fantastic work all the way around, and I highly recommend Freedom Solar.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 12/18/2019


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