
St Michaels, MD

Reviews by rskin1949

2 Reviews

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Solar Energy World

Did research on six solar firms and visited plants of two before selecting Solar Energy World. Jonathan was a great representative and highly responsive contact before, during and after the installation. The one slight glitch in the installation was the panels were not aligned symmetrically on the roof initially, but that was taken care of within a week. First two months bills from utility company were each $13.00 for taxes and fees but no electricity from the utility. We have had bills 18-20 times higher than that. SEW has the process down to a science and communicate well throughout. I cannot sing their praises too loudly.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 07/24/2018


Solar Energy World

I evaluated multiple home solar companies and visited the facilities of two before selecting Solar Energy World (SEW). The SEW staff was very forthcoming and made clear early on that an evaluation of my house and its location and site would be required to insure that solar would be effective for me. At every stage, I was informed as to the process that would be involved and which stage we were in and what would come next. All of my options were explained to me and an estimate as to the time required and therefore the schedule that installation would entail.

SEW took care of the permitting and were sensitive to the fact that the small town in which my house is located is one with an historical district and residents' who scrutinize changes in their neighborhoods. Ours was the first house on our block and only the third or fourth in the entire town to have solar installed. SEW provided me photos of houses I could share with residents as well as maps that displayed where in the region solar installations had been done.

The installation of our system was on a roof that was apparently among the sharpest pitches of any others done by SEW. The crew arrived and worked through 1.5 days, were polite and careful about any damage to the plantings and the house itself. Late on Day 1, a SEW service rep came by, checked on the installation, and spoke with me about what I could expect to take place once installation was complete and my electricity provider made its connection to the solar unit.

As it happened, the solar panels were slightly off center, a fact my spouse recognized belatedly. I phoned the SEW rep and emailed him a photo of the roof. He agreed the panels were off slightly and he would have the crew back to make the small adjustments. That took place almost immediately.

Finally, SEW called to let me know my electricity provider had been notified of installation and was requested to make its connection so that the solar system could be turned on. That took place in short order and the system went live.

It's now been a bit more that 8 weeks since the system went on. My electric bill was $13.00, all of which were taxes and such. The system is producing ample electricity and the big change is . . . nothing has changed. Our lives have not been interrupted and everything works as normal, except I am not paying three-figure electric bills as temperatures hit the upper 90s and the humidity reaches 80%.

This has been the most effective and efficient large-scale technology installation we have done over a history of owning nine houses and undertaking major renovations. I credit SEW with conducting their business in exemplary fashion, never promising more than they could deliver, always following through on their commitments, and responding to my questions and needs.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 07/02/2018


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