Andy #46

Massapequa Park, NY

Reviews by Andy #46

2 Reviews

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Harvest Power LLC

My Experience with Harvest Power

My experience with HarvestPower couldn't have been any easier. I had gotten a few different quotes from other solar companies but none of the companies gave me a good vibe like Harvest Power did. The first time my Harvest Power rep came to the house, he told me how it was going to work. He said they would first take a look at my electrical usage for the year, take a look at my house's location to see house the sun would hit my house during year, and then they would come back with their proposal. Before the rep left, he also explained to me exactly how the process of financing the panels was going to work.

A week or two later my rep came back to discuss Harvest Power's proposal. They proposed I needed a 11,100 watt system composed of 37 LG Mono XNeoN 300w panels. The proposal was very easy to read and contained a picture of how the system was going to be placed on my house, and a detailed information page that included exactly how the money was going to be paid. I was very skeptical because the proposal said that the only money I had to pay was a $500 deposit. That was too easy. And...I would get that deposit back a few weeks after the panels were installed. My rep explained to me all the details about the actual system contained in the proposal including how much energy they should produce, the maintenance, and the warranty. He also said that once I signed on the dotted line I would have to DO NOTHING!! Permits, contacting PSEGLI, and any other paperwork for the bridge loan, NYSERDA, or Federal/State rebates would be handled by Harvest Power. My rep also explained to me all the details in the proposal involved with the financing of the panels TO THE PENNY!!! When I went to my accountant to get my taxes done, I bought the number he told me I was getting back on my taxes and IT WAS EXACT TO THE PENNY!!!

Once Harvest went through my town and got the permits squared away, they contacted my with the date of installation. When that day finally arrived, it was perfect day. It was hot and the sun was shining bright. I was very excited. The installation took a few hours. The installation crew was great! The guys didn't mind answering any of my questions and it got to the point where they were actually explaining to me what they were doing. Then the best part of the entire process came. When they were done and were ready to flip the switch to turn on the panels the foreman asked me if I was ready to see how the panels worked. He told me to watch my electrical meter. This is something I will never forget. The meter read 1776. I stared at the meter for about two or three minutes and suddenly the meter read 1775. Within minutes the panels had already produce enough to save me money on my electric bill!! HOW AWESOME WAS THAT!

I don't know if this entire process could have been anymore perfect! Everything that Harvest explained to me happened exactly that way. I highly recommend using Harvest Power for all your solar needs!!

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 02/22/2018


LG Solar

So far the panels have lived up to my expectations and have given me all the savings that Harvest Power told me they would.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 02/22/2018


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