
Reviews by oldmoose

2 Reviews

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LG Solar

Almost immediately after installation we received snow, and the snow was not shed from the panels. So, it's been 2 weeks, but I've only had open panels for about 3 days. And today, more snow.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 01/04/2018


Boston Solar

Boston Solar was very responsive and professional throughout our sales and installation process.


*They price-matched a "Solarize MA" price even though they weren't the selected installer.
*The sales rep was very responsive and honest, answering the constant barrage of questions that I lobbed his way.
*The installers that put the panels on the roof were among the most professional folks that I've ever dealt with. They came out for a pre-visit to talk about where I wanted conduit run and cables placed. During the 2-day install, they provided me with frequent updates about what they were doing and why. When they left, they cleaned up so well that you couldn't tell (other than the panels on the roof and other equipment on the house!) that they'd been there.
*After the install, my questions continued and they continued (continue) to answer them in a professional and timely manner.


*For some reason they installers left vehicles running the entire time they were here.
*Communication about scheduling and general timing of milestones was handled poorly, and delays were _always_ blamed on someone else (me, the town's inspector) even when I knew that wasn't the case.
*The second group of installers that came didn't consult with me about what they were going to do, resulting in unnecessary work being done and a last minute avoidance of an ugly PVC pipe going up the side of my house. They also didn't clean up as well, and I had to pick garbage out of my yard afterwards.

I am overall very happy with the entire process. I feel that I was and am treated professionally by all of the Boston Solar employees with whom I interact.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 01/04/2018

Thank you for taking your time to leave a positive review. Clearly we fell short in providing exemplary service throughout, but we're grateful for your feedback and will use it to improve in the future. Please continue to ask questions and provide feedback as we're happy to answer and thankful for the opportunity to improve.
- Nick Hoehn, Operations Manager

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