
Reviews by RichardW

4 Reviews

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Solar Power Pros

Bill Clay (company owner) designed my system, and I was extremely happy with both the amount of planning and information he provided me, and the quality of work done by his installation crew.

I obtained three estimates for my installation; one was from a very large well know national solar company. I was extremely disappointed in not only what the "info chick" who gave us the original "song and dance" said they could install, and then what there PE (Professional Engineer) presented me with. Am not sure what online school he paid for a degree from, but he was totally out to lunch on his final installation plan (it was more what they could not do, as to what the "info chick" told us in her initial presentation.

The second company sent out a representative who seemed more interested in making a quick presentation and getting on to his next "victim" (At least the big company sent out a guy who went onto the roof to check the "info chick's" theoretical installation plan). I asked him how he knew what he presented was going to work, and he kind of brushed me off, telling me he could tell just by looking at the roof!! And I was happy getting him out the door.

When Bill gave his presentation, he said he would have to verify his plan; and would do that once we decided to proceed. I was very impressed with his presentation, he took his time, talked about micro inverters on each panel as compared to one main inverter, and he answered all our questions in a straight forward and informative manor.

After the previous two presentations and estimates, Solar Power Pros was my choice. Bill came back out a few days later and spend a considerable amount of time measuring and then checking the sun angle and shading from trees. Before he even did the calculations, he told me the one panel I was wanting on the bottom end of the garage was probably going to be shaded enough of the time, it would not be worth installing a panel there. I appreciated him being truthful and not going ahead and installing a panel that was not going to be cost effective.

Bottom line is, Solar Power Pros would be my recommendation for an outstanding solar company.

My final estimate was from Solar Power Pros, and Bill was able to install all but one of the panels I desired (he found there was too much shading on the end of the garage to make it worth while). And not only was he able to install what I wanted, but at a lower price, and a considerable better finance program than the other two companies.

His installation crew was three young me fresh out of solar school; I was really impressed with their work ethic, installation, and just very courteous, friendly, and just outstanding young men. I had a satellite antenna system mounted on a small 6 ft tower on the roof of the garage that needed to be moved. Bill's crew volunteered to help me move it, and I was certainly appreciative of there kindness.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 10/07/2017


SolarWorld Americas Inc. ----Out of Biz 2018

Since I am not at all familiar with the different brands, I have no base line to compare or make a judgment on hiw SolarWind stacks up against others. However, I can say, they have worked flawlessly, and have produced the amount of electricity the company literature specked them for.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 10/07/2017


SolarWorld Americas Inc. ----Out of Biz 2018

Since I am not at all familiar with the different brands, I have no base line to compare or make a judgment on hiw SolarWind stacks up against others. However, I can say, they have worked flawlessly, and have produced the amount of electricity the company literature specked them for.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 10/07/2017


Enphase Energy

Again, not being familiar with other brands, all I can say is I have been happy with their performance. As mentioned above, I had one (out of 30) fail. A quick call to Solar Power Pros, and Bill had a replacement unit installed in short order (no charge). Please don't focus on one failure; that can easily happen with any piece of electronic equipment. What I want to point out is the service Solar Power Pros provided in fixing the problem. This is what is nice about a small company; calling directly to the owner, no two week waiting list to have the problem checked out, having two of his installers out right away to take care of the problem.

As for inverters, I would highly recommend going with individual (micro) inverters (rather than one big central inverter). The individual inverters are more efficient, and have a longer life span than a central inverter.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 10/07/2017


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