
Reviews by StanK

2 Reviews

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LA Solar Group

I have an efficient 14kw system from LA Solar with room for expansion and a EV car charger.

LA Solar was, by far, the best solar company I researched. I was so excited to do solar but felt the prices were high, the return on investment took forever and that the companies were "salesy" –like car salespeople. I deeply researched 7 solar companies and my gut didn't feel good about any of them until LA Solar Group. Most of the other companies had to use more panels to deliver less electricity and the warranties and return on investment were not as good.

LA Solar was the best rated by customers by far, had a strong financial rating, has been growing consistently and substantially for the last 5 years.

Fast forward a year later, and they have been perfectly attentive and my system has been flawless.

After LA Solar like the best choice, I walked into the office unannounced. The CEO stopped a meeting to speak to me. He started on the roof installing the first systems himself. He is an ultra-smart guy, very focused on efficiency which is important for long-term survival. He is an electrical engineer by trade and also has a roofing license. Locally they have 8 crews installing full-time. Nothing is subcontracted out. This, to me, is very important. Quality control.

The solar designers are engineers. The equipment is from the best manufacturers. They don't spend money on advertising, they get their new business from referrals almost exclusively. This, in combination with efficient and quality processes and equipment, right down the highest quality waterproof washers, is their secret sauce. This is how they get installations done for the lowest cost, the first time, with the least amount of return service calls. In my experience they are honest, transparent, hard working and innovative. I met much of the sales team, the sales manager and the support staff. Hard working, kind and educated people who care.

My installation was done a year ago. I went from contract to installation to approvals in less than a month. LADWP now owes me 1600 kwh as of today. I pay 10 dollars a month on my electric bill for connection fees, that's it and my system will be paid off in another 5 years. It was a complete no-brainer. Plus, they listened to my requirements. You cannot see my system from the street, there is room for another row of panels. I was able to have enough space to install thermal pool solar on my north face as well. Perfect.

In a sea of questionable companies, I knew they were the best choice and it still holds true today. Solar is not a little decision in my view. You are letting people drill into your roof. For me, I wanted to make sure I had the best people as partners, so I was always proud driving into my garage and that's exactly what I have with LA Solar.

Here is a link to my FB page with some public pictures.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 06/24/2017



Suniva was an excellent choice in quality and price at the time and I did want to support the American brand and they had a good ratings. If I had it to do over today, Panasonic seems to be a great choice of panels now .

Suniva went out of business. What LA Solar did was order panels to have as a backup for repairs. A really smart way of doing business. And, these panels hardly have issues. It's like 7 panel failures per 10,000 and they are a standard size so it's easy to replace with another brand. LA Solar designed the system to be replaceable with other brands. So, I still feel great about my system.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 06/24/2017


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