
Reviews by dalv

2 Reviews

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Hudson solar did a large installation for my employer and I was impressed with their professionalism.
We had the rep come out to the house and evaluate our location after some initial communication and planning via satellite photos.
I discussed my preference for the panels - on the barn not the house - from an aesthetic standpoint and he did a walk around. Long story short the planning, location, financing and installation were excellent. They handled all the permits and grants and set up the install date.
I met with the crew when they arrived and showed them around and they were courteous and professional.
As they described, 4 days later we were activated and making solar electric.
Recommend highly - hope to have them do our lake house as well.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 03/15/2017


LG Solar

Excellent so far - no issues

Type: Other

Reviewed: 03/15/2017


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