
Reviews by Mandi

3 Reviews

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Global Efficient Energy

This all started in early 2015 when the sales rep came to my house in Austin with the free energy audit I won at a home show which I found out later was a scam by itself. The audit is ALWAYS free, so I truly didnt win anything but a free chance to listen to a sales rep in my home making promises that I will never see. I truly should have done more research on the company while he was there before signing anything, however I didnt and now Im paying the price. Long story short I trusted in his promises and signed all the papers. 3 MONTHS!!!! after signing the solar panels were installed. I didnt have a HOA and was told at the time they would be up in about a week from signing. That probably should have been my first sign. During the installation process one of the workers broke a vent pipe on my roof. I understand accidents happen and he even owned up to it, however I shouldn't have to pay for a mistake I didnt make. I called a contractor and had the pipe fixed and then contacted GEE office who told me they have no record of the damage and would not pay the repair bill. That didnt settle with me so after many phone calls with their so called "customer service" department I was able to.......get nothing accomplished. The same answers were given that they have no record of that and could not help me. Ok, moving on to the panels that have been installed on my house causing roof damage and leaks in the area of brackets. I went ahead and fixed that myself. Lets cut to the cost savings.....ZERO. No cost savings! I have done my part to turn in my bills on time and my response has been nothing but "you must be doing something different in your home". Not the case... and in fact sense the panels were installed my daughter went off to college which would make me think the price would go down. Lots of phone calls, Lots of getting no where, Lots of promises, and Lots of money down the drain. I would say the only positive thing that came out of this is when the sales rep that came into my home and promises called me to apologize for his actions. He said that he no longer works for the company based on their poor values, the way he was treated, and the fact he was not paid for his work. He went on to tell me that the company has been wrapped up in multiple legal issues with not only cases of what I was wrapped up in but also the fact they were buying "do not call list" from other companies so their call center (which operated under a business name and is owned by someone who doesnt even work there any longer) could call and set up these FREE energy audits. I had my attorney check into a few things and in fact they are in lots of legal battles at the moment. They are now to the point of changing there name to Envismart and trying to move the same scam. The "executive team" on the GEE site is not working because the CEO Abe Issa is probably not wanting to show face. I dont blame him one bit based on the history I discovered through my legal advisor.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 12/07/2016


Nusun Solar

Its not working

Type: Other

Reviewed: 12/07/2016


Dow Chemical

Its not working

Type: Other

Reviewed: 12/07/2016


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