
Reviews by Jafo8868

3 Reviews

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YSG Solar

I have to give YSG Solar a complete thumbs up! It was by far one of the smartest decisions I've ever made and it was thanks to their competitors that I found YSG Solar! I researched getting solar for our home for several weeks before deciding to jump in to the solar world. I contacted Solar City to begin the process. What a disappointment! I spoke with a 20 something operator who looked up my address on Google maps. Instead of sending someone out to my house and visually inspect the layout of the land I was told there were too many trees around my residence. As I attempted to explain to this arrogant "phone operator" there are trees around my residence however I'm on the top of a hill and the trees don't ever interfere with the sun hitting my roof. Trust me I've been sunburned cleaning the leaves out of my gutters and had astronomical electrical bills from our air conditioning usage. So I was discouraged about going solar. Then I happened to look at the office of my wife's chiropractor. I hadn't totally given up on going solar so I asked who had done his conversion to solar power. First of all this guy never really recommends anything as he is extremely picky. He immediately spurted out YSG solar and "You have to call this company before anyone else!" He informed me how easy it was after going with YSG. I called YSG and spoke with a very pleasant representative David Magid. He was a total professional on the phone and offered to come to my residence for a site inspection and advise me of my solar possibilities. David also stated that he looked on Google maps at our residence but said you can't tell the actual sun exposure without seeing the structure in person.

David came to our residence and he was as knowledgeable in person as he was on the phone. He showed me the options for our residence and said call me when you decide. There was no hard push for a sale just simple facts and an estimate for our solar project. Well needless to say I made the call and that was about all I had to do. David and YSG solar handled everything else. The permit from the village inspectors office, the financing options available and then closing the job with the final system inspections. Our system is 72 panels and cost over $80,000.00 as I did purchase it. After $29,000.00 in tax rebates that were received (as everyone is skeptical about the tax rebates) and applied to the price, my monthly payments are less than my previous electrical bill(by more than half!). My monthly payment is fixed compared to the ever rising rates/cost of the electric company increases. The price of the estimate was the final cost. No hidden costs and no additional expenses. My solar payments will go down $135.00 after 10 years and my electricity will be free after 15 years!!! The system is guaranteed for 25 years with no out of pocket expenses. A no brainer in helping make the decision to go solar.

If you think of going solar give these guys a call and avoid the bigger pushy companies. The crew that installed our system was professional, pleasant and very neat. When our system installation was completed you couldn't even tell that they were here!

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 11/15/2016


SolarWorld Americas Inc. ----Out of Biz 2018

The panels are aesthetically pleasing as they are solid black without the silver grid lines seen on most panels.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 11/15/2016


SE3800 (240V)

Great inverter that communicates with our home network so I can check my solar production remotely on my cellphone with a very convenient app.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 11/15/2016


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