
North Hollywood, CA

Reviews by JeffLawrence

2 Reviews

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A1 Solar

Possibly the biggest BS artists with whom I have ever done business!  What you can depend on is that you cannot depend on anything their sales reps say.  By the way, they also go by the name Hot Solar.
Here is a small list of lies my wife and I were told:
The size of the system we purchased from them will more than cover the amount of electricity we use, based on our past year's bills.  LIE.
If there is any problem with the system's functioning, they will fix it.  LIE.  (The only way they fixed it was after months of my threatening to sue them.)
Once they admitted that there was a problem in the system, I was told that they will reimburse us for all electric bills once they fix the problem.  LIE.
They claim to pay a finder's fee if we recommend someone to them: $100 if the person meets with the sales rep but does not make a purchase, $500 if they make a purchase.  We gave them two referrals before we realized what scammers they are; but no payment.  LIE.
The sales rep literally did not know the difference between a kilowatt and a volt. 

Additionally, when we asked the sales rep, who apparently will try to sell anything, for a referral for a house painter, he himself called us with a quote that was SIX TIMES the next highest quote that we received.   

I will be suing them for the electric bills they promised to reimburse plus the referrals we did not receive payment for.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 05/27/2013

Dan Maher
We are very interested in getting to the bottom of your review, but notice you copied it to Yelp under a different name, and we can't find record of you as our client under either handle. Please clarify so we can investigate your claims.
Dan Maher
We are very interested in getting to the bottom of your review, but notice you copied it to Yelp under a different name, and we can't find record of you as our client under either handle. Please clarify so we can investigate your claims.
If you are from A1 Solar and have something to say to me, send me an email.
Dan Maher
I don't have your email, Jeff. As I said, I can't find your name(s) in our client roster. Please provide so we can start a dialogue about the issues you've raised here and elsewhere.

SE3800 (208V)

(no comments provided)

Type: Other

Reviewed: 09/26/2013


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