
, CA

Reviews by Kaydie

1 Review

Bland Solar

We are in the process of having solar installed on our home. After having our a/c and furnace inspected we decided to replace the unit with a more efficient one since it was 18 years old. The men who came out and installed the unit were great! They were on time each day they came and offered to do some touchup painting (closet attic access) in the closet and vacuum what little mess there was. They were polite, quiet and efficient. The man who came out to do the testing (Tyler I believe) was also very prompt and efficient. Brad came with him to assist with the testing (Solar Air). They were both polite and Brad was funny to boot which I enjoyed. Brad mentioned the Air Scrubber and what it did in the home and we decided to have it installed which was done today. Again, efficient and prompt. Brad was running a bit late so he had the company call to let me know there was a slight delay. This is great customer service.
We started our quest for solar with Bland due to its reputation and that it's local. It's important to be able to reach people if there are problems or warranty concerns. The showroom near Trader Joe's was the first step. We talked with Matt and he was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. He was not pushy and discussed leasing vs. owning. We were able to see the equipment that would be installed which is always a nice touch.
A timeframe for work completion is given before work is started which gives an outline of what to expect. I find this also to be great customer service.
I can't review the actual solar product yet as it will take some time to be done but I know the timeline. I'm actually eager for summer for the first time ever in Bakersfield.
A special thank you to Marlene (showroom), Matt (salesman), Sandro and Manuel, and Brad. I was able to meet the owner of this business while in the showroom today and am thoroughly pleased with the services and products supplied so far.
Bob & Sally

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 03/03/2015

Excellent customer service and product.

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