
Reviews by whatha???

1 Review

Enphase Energy

This is a pretty cool concept when it works. This is the device that allows the owner to see system performance on the internet. However, the Enphase setup is pretty lame. You have to find an outlet somewhere in your home (the closer to the modem the better) that will be DEDICATED to the power line adapter that the Enphase unit is plugged into. Nothing else is supposed to be plugged into this outlet, including the modem or router. You cannot use a power strip either, otherwise the signal it gets from the panels will be degraded to the point it won't work. I tried four different outlets before I could get a reasonably good signal (3 out of 5 which is the minimum workable).

What you have is a pair of power line adapters. One plugs into a socket that is close enough to the modem to run an Ethernet cable from the adapter to the modem. The other adapter must be plugged into a dedicated outlet as described above, then the Enphase is connected to that via Ethernet cable and plugged into the outlet. The adapters allow the Ethernet signal to run on the electrical wires.

What I find flakey about this is the Enphase ends up in a random area. Mine is in the garage, plugged into an outlet I would rather be able to use for other things.

It has been my experience already that this is not that reliable of an arrangement. I had a hell of a time getting it to work the first time. Now it is not working again. It has been installed for not quite three weeks. This is not a good start.

For the amount invested in this system ($70K+)I can't help but think this should have been installed in a more professional matter. Instead of running all over the house, hoping to find a good enough dedicated outlet. My Enphase is stuck somewhere random and running (or not) in an unreliable way.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 11/17/2013

Below Average

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