
Reviews by sandy13

1 Review

Sunrun Inc.

Luke Jorgensen came to our house representing Vivint Solar, and after careful consideration, we decided to go solar with the company. Next the company came out and took pictures of our roof, and Vivint approved a design for our house. There was only one problem with our storage shed being too close to the actual power box. Luke advised us that Vivint would pay to have the shed moved far enough away from the power box in order to pass the city inspection. The shed was anchored down with bolts, and the foundation was securely attached to wooden floor beams. We agreed to have the shed moved to the proper distance away from the power box, as long as the shed was anchored back into place as it was before it was moved. A subcontractor was hired to move the shed, but they took a crowbar and pried the shed off the foundation, and moved it away from the power box, but they did not anchor the shed back down, and the wooden foundation was compromised. We contacted Luke, and he assured us that once it passed inspection, the shed would be anchored down, and the foundation restored to its original state. All of the contents of the shed were removed as requested, and they were damaged due to weather exposer. Luke once again assured us that everything would be made right. The panels went up, the power company installed their box, the city inspector approved the solar system, and the switch was flipped on. However, our shed was not anchored down, nor was it attached to any foundation. We contacted Luke again, and he sent out Vivint employees to take pictures of the shed, and we were told that the information would be given to management, and they would get our shed back to its original state. Another month goes by, and we contact Luke again, and they sent out another team of Vivint employees to take pictures. We contact Customer Service, and they send out another team to take more pictures. Finally Vivint comes back and says that they are not going to pay to have the shed moved back to where it was, and we have told them over and over again that we don’t want it moved back to its original place, but we want it anchored down and attached to a new foundation because it was damaged when the subcontractor (Hired by Vivint) moved the shed. We once again called Luke, and he is now refusing to return e-mails and phone messages. We called Customer Service again, and Keith Wilson advised that he was going to send out another team to take more pictures, and he asked us to obtain an estimate to fix the shed. The estimate was sent, and we still can’t get the company to understand that we don’t want the shed moved back. All we want is our shed anchored down, re-attached to a new wooden foundation, and restored to its original state before it was ripped up out of the ground in its new location that it was moved to. We have tried to speak with upper management, but we have been denied each time. Vivint management is impossible to contact. The company thinks that we will just go away, and we will be glad to do so when our shed is fixed. Beware once your solar system is up and running, Vivint solar does not take care of their customers!!
Again let me restate: We DO NOT want the shed moved back to its original location!!!
We WANT the shed anchored down, re-attached to a foundation, and restored to its original condition at the new location that it was moved to!!!

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 08/13/2017


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