Orlando, FL

Reviews by BA & TA

1 Review

Solar-Ray, Inc.

I waited a year to write this review. I'm a bit of a skeptic... But this company and its people have won me over. The sales process went smoothly. Demonstration, reference call with a current customer, and as I am a bit of an engineer myself, a deep discussion on how to build our system and the deviations that I wanted and why/why not. Michael and team talked me out of the latest craze, and showed me about the efficiencies of the systems they offer and use and why they recommend it. the inverters they use are super efficient and offer a single NEMA15 emergency outlet per inverter. (BTW, one of my panels was damaged just after install and it continued to work for a year, before it gave up the ghost, and sent off alerts before it quit working. a true testament to the quality and resiliency of the product they use. Later that morning, a few email exchanges later, and Dave and his crew were at the house, on the roof, panel exchanged and I was at full production again. No hassles, No, you pay for it and then if it is deemed our issue we will reimburse you.) Customer service was spectacular. I can't say enough about the service. They answer my emails promptly when I have a question. Obviously, when something goes wrong, they replace it promptly. and they are kind enough to explain what is happening and why. Our reasons for going solar were that we wanted to remove all, if possible, of our monthly electricity bill. The ROI @ $400/mo for a 10k system if it removes all of your bill is fairly straight forward especially considering the government encouraged solar last year with a stellar reimbursement plan.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 05/13/2016


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