
, AZ

Reviews by Bdecker

1 Review

Arizona Solar Wave

My system has performed and provided the results as promised. After doing a lot of research and visiting with several companies in my home, I offered my business to Arizona Solar Wave. They went over every step of the install process and designed a system to meet my needs, any and all questions were answered immediately, and adjustments made as needed. They offered insight into the best financial options available for me and made the entire process as painless as possible.
Prior to installing the solar system, they did work on my home to make it more energy efficient, this included a solar hot water system, a variable speed pool pump, work in the attic to seal the vents and duct work, and a whole home water treatment system, which is amazing, I actually have soap bubbles in the shower and washer now. It was a 2 step process well worth the money, the 1st step lowered my bills by at least 30% and I wanted to finish the solar process with a company I could trust and rely on.
The system needed to be installed by a deadline to avert increased charges by the electric company, and was completed and turned on before the deadline. My system was installed after the summer months and my bills have dropped to less than $50 a month which includes the fees to the electric company. I cannot wait to see the savings over the summer. Previously my average monthly bill was $264, it is now $190 for the payment on the panels and the payments to the electric company. I could not be happier, other than when it is fully paid off and I am down to less than $50 a month for electric.
AZ Solar was there for me during the entire process installation took approximately 2 days and then an hour or so on the day of hook up. AZ Solar has been there following the installation for any questions I may have, so far everything has worked and performed wonderfully. I have recommended them to several friends and will continue to do so in the future.
By all means do your research, and try several places, I would say you would end up back with AZ Solar Wave as I did, and be completely satisfied with the decision.
On a side note, a neighbor leased a solar system with another company, they are now trying to sell, and their home has been on the market for over 3 months, no one wants to buy into the lease, it is a 20 year lease, and you never own your system. I have spoken with them and they are very sorry they went with the lease. I had my doubts going solar, but could not be happier with my decision and the choice of using AZ Solar Wave to provide this service for me.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 01/06/2016


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