
San Jose, CA

Reviews by rhymeman

2 Reviews

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Sunwork Renewable Energy Projects

We had a 2.2kW system with microinverters installed by Sunwork on our San Jose house. Our project lead was Bryan. He did everything from completing a site survey, answering my questions, doing the system design, procuring city permits, installing with volunteers, to getting city inspector approval. Bryan also sat with me to configure the online monitoring and to apply for the PGE net metering. Sunwork and Bryan did a lot of things, but one thing they did not do is a high pressure sales job!

Sunwork is a nonprofit which serves customers who have electricity bills of $100/month or less, and are worth considering if you are in that category. They also have a roofing criteria; check out their website for details.

Sunwork does the installation with volunteers. Homeowners can also participate on the install, but I don't think is required. If you are a DIYer, this can be a fun and educational opportunity. I volunteered on another homeowner's project before participating on our house. Like the other install job I worked on, the system on our house was professionally done. Our house took only 1 day because it was a smaller system.

Over the years, I talked with different solar installers (at the big box stores, at solar events, the door to door sales people, Costco including Costco Online, etc.). Because our electricity consumption is not very high, these traditional installers did not seem interested (I think because they don't make as much money on a small system). I stumbled upon Sunwork while reading reviews on the internet; several reviews indicated that they did small systems at an affordable cost. While our system is small, Sunwork also installs larger systems.

I highly recommend Sunwork! Cost wise they were very affordable because of their nonprofit nature and the participation of volunteers. Our project lead Bryan was great! I also met Reuben, Mike and Marc of Sunwork, and they are also wonderful people! I think of Sunwork as the Habitat for Humanity of solar. Sunwork is not for everyone, but we had a great experience with them and the volunteers!

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 10/26/2015


Sunwork Renewable Energy Projects

Sunwork installed an 8 panel 2.2kW system with microinverters for us in the autumn of 2015. Since that time, our electricity use increased. We contacted Sunwork about increasing our solar capacity. Project Lead John Beard visited and gave us a few options. We decided to go with adding three 290 watt panels. As this was a small job, John was able to install the addition in one day with me helping. John had the city inspector over a few days later to inspect and approve. He also filed the NEM paperwork for the expansion which PGE signed off in about a week.

Another great job by Sunwork! John's work was excellent and we are very happy! He did everything: design, install, inspection scheduling and PGE paperwork! And all at a reasonable price! As a DIYer, this was also fun because I was able to participate in the work. For my review of our original install, see past reviews dated 10/26/2015. I highly recommend John and Sunwork!

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 04/15/2018


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