
Chelmsford, MA

Reviews by DJL-1977

2 Reviews

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New England Clean Energy

In addition to NECE we spoke to three other solar installers, all highly recommended and well-rated. From the pre-sales experience NECE rose way above the others immediately. We hate pushy sales people, and the solar industry is notorious for taking that tactic. NECE was the opposite, very laid-back and great at listening to our concerns, our goals, our vision for the project. My wife and I are extremely detail-oriented when it comes to major purchases and we had LOTS of doubts and questions (Are we too shady? Which roof surfaces should we use? What solar technology should we go with? Can you really put panels on a North-facing roof? Really, are you sure?! and on and on). Of the companies we spoke to NECE was by far the most knowledgeable, flexible and easiest to work with. They exhibited limitless patience, total dedication to our project and were willing to go back to the drawing board with us again and again until we were comfortable with the final design.

Most solar installers will only agree to do the site assessment if they have confidence you will use them, some won't even do it at all until you sign on the line. NECE did ours TWICE, once earlier in the summer before the trees had filled out, and then again later (at our request) so we could make sure the design held up with the increased shade. The second SunEye assessment results were different enough to warrant changing the design, which NECE did without breaking stride!

Once we decided to move ahead with NECE we continued to be well taken care of -- the account management was excellent and the process from signing to go-live was comparably VERY fast (just over two months!). They were responsive and communicated frequently on the status of all the various permits and inspections (the Red Tape Phase).

When it came time to install the crew was also very knowledgeable, friendly and willing to work with us. There was concern we didn't have enough space around our other utilities on the side of the house to be able to fit all the additional equipment (inverter, emergency shutoff, etc). They were going to install some equipment on the front of the house which we really wanted to avoid, so we asked them if they could make it work somehow. The answer was "sure" with a smile and they just made it work! Overall they made the installation look too easy -- they were clean, quick and super professional, walking around on our roof in the middle of summer where a couple of the days hit the mid-90s with full sun on their backs. The end result is gorgeous and we are over the moon happy with how it turned out.

Our system has been live for about a month and so far it is producing about what was expected. We are heading into fall and the generation drop-off is noticeable, but that is just New England.

As for the cost, in the end NECE was a little higher than the others, but they were willing to work with us to get within a couple thousand dollars of our second pick installer. In the grand scheme of things for the value of service provided it was totally worth it.

At the end of the day we are nothing but happy with the quality of the project. NECE is a great company with fantastic people and they truly believe in their mission to propagate clean solar energy generation across The Land!

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 09/15/2017


LG Solar

They look amazing. The system has only been online for a month so I can't really comment yet on the performance.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 09/15/2017


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