
, FL

Reviews by specter

4 Reviews

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A1A Solar Contracting, Inc

They did a tremendous job of installing my solar for me. I unfortunately had damage to my roof from the Hurricane that passed through and had to delay getting the installation done until after I got the roof fixed, but they were very understanding and worked with me to get everything done in a very timely fashion. I like the fact that they took care of pretty much all of the paperwork, I did not have to run all over town and deal with bureaucrats all day.

One thing I do want to mention is that, people who are relying on the Federal rebate to help them pay off their panels, make sure you UNDERSTAND how that works, especially if you took the 18 month interest free loan this company will try to put you into. The feds will give you up to a 30 percent rebate but it comes off your Tax Burden, it is NOT an automatic check. Lets say you have 15,000 dollars coming back to you, BUT, because of your income, your overall taxes you would have paid that year are only 10,000 dollars. This means that your refund check will only be 10,000 dollars. You will get the remaining 5,000 back the following year BUT, if you did the interest free financing for 15.000 and are expecting that check to pay it all off, you are going to be rudely awakened when the loan company hits you for all of that back interest at like 18 percent. It would be in your best interests to pay down this loan while waiting for the refund check, or putting money aside while you are waiting so you don't get slammed when that 18 months is up and you don't have the money to pay it all off. This may not be fully explained to you up front, make sure you understand the terms of ANY loan you take out.

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 06/15/2017


SolarWorld Americas Inc. ----Out of Biz 2018

I still don't know about the whole Elon Musk thing, and feel that he may be another Bernie Madoff / Solyndra situation. Given they took over Solar World, Time will tell. A lot of these panels have been sold and they look to be very good quality so should last a long time. I have seen a whole bunch of solar panel companies come and go over the years. Let's hope the panel and the manufacturer lasts for the 25 years of the warranty.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 06/15/2017


Enphase Energy

If you want plug and play, this inverter is the way to go. If you are a geek type and love to see stats and real time numbers, this inverter is not going to show you too much. They have their enlighten website that will show you data for your system, but it cost extra to get the enhanced data to see panel by panel data. This inverter also has NO user changeable settings on it so you get what you get. If the company goes out of business, I don't think you are going to be able to get any data off the inverter / panels anymore unless you have a stand alone energy management / monitoring system like a TED system for example.
To be honest, I would strongly suggest a monitoring system like The Energy Detective as a fine example if you really want to know what your panels / house / overall energy situation is. :
This system is stand alone so even if that company goes out of business, you still have access to your power data. For simplicity though, these inverters are the way to go.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 06/15/2017


M250-60-2LL-S22, M250-60-2LL-S25

If you want plug and play, this inverter is the way to go. If you are a geek type and love to see stats and real time numbers, this inverter is not going to show you too much. They have their enlighten website that will show you data for your system, but it cost extra to get the enhanced data to see panel by panel data. This inverter also has NO user changeable settings on it so you get what you get. If the company goes out of business, I don't think you are going to be able to get any data off the inverter / panels anymore unless you have a stand alone energy management / monitoring system like a TED system for example.
To be honest, I would strongly suggest a monitoring system like The Energy Detective as a fine example if you really want to know what your panels / house / overall energy situation is. :
This system is stand alone so even if that company goes out of business, you still have access to your power data. For simplicity though, these inverters are the way to go.

Type: Other

Reviewed: 06/15/2017


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