Reviews by ARP

2 Reviews

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IQ Power

really don't have much to say haven't had the system operational for a full month yet but my electric bill dropped considerable already and this is the bad time of the year for sun. I'm not sure what is going on with the $20.00 discount they keep talking about on next service for writing a review, this system has a 10 year warranty
thought the installers (the guys doing the work) were very professional and quick but it took a month and a half to get it to pass inspection (mainly due to uneducated city inspector) IQ power collected the payment without me releasing the loan to them some how and was charged interest on a loan for a month and a half before the work was completed correctly had issues with the lender charging interest when the bill was paid on time and in full there was promises made that were not kept the system was reduced in size before installed the warranty is only 10 years instead of 25 as quoted that is a pretty big deal when you consider the cost of 25,000 for the system which means if it does not out last its warranty period it will not pay for its self before it starts costing us more money. as for the recommendations listed below. I don't have a problem with IQ power except that some how they gained access to the money I was borrowing without my knowledge before the work was completed, but I have issues with the lender (GREENSKY) one for releasing the funds without my permission and they sent a bill for me to pay interest on money on a bill i payed in full on time. and last of all the city inspector comes out does not know what he is looking at even though he was scheduled ahead of time to inspect a solar instillation and has to go back to office and research the instillation to see if it is code don't know how long that took but it was about a month before he comes back out and gives it an OK then FPL was out right away to replace the meter that was impressive
this review probably not worth $20.00

Type: Residential Electric

Reviewed: 11/22/2016

the actual installers did a great job IQ power office personnel were pretty helpful except for the conversation about the funds the sales person made statements that I have not seen yet and probably never will let you know in a few months if this was a good or bad decision

Hyundai Heavy Industries

they seem OK

Type: Other

Reviewed: 11/22/2016


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